Monday, February 8, 2010

Misc. Stuff

As this is a blog created for a university blogging contest, is it fair for me to blame my lack of posts on said university? Probably not, but I think I will do so anyways. In the last two weeks I have handed in seven papers. I have also spent far more time than I should procrastinating, but personally I think that's part of being a student. So, to make up for being terribly remiss in posting, I shall spam all (four) of my readers with a few of the videos and songs that I have been listening to/obsessing over this week.

Hey look guys! A Star Trek video! Is anyone surprised? I didn't think so. omg, it's hilarious though, so... just watch it. (don't judge me)

The video for this song is also pretty awesome, but I'm too lazy to look for it properly. Thank you Caitlin for sending me all of the albums. :)

I've been listening to this song a whole bunch lately as well. It's pretty.

(I would also like to inform everyone the ontd_startrek is pretty much taking over my life)

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